Monday, September 19, 2011

Transformer for fun...

Matua Mark at my daughters pre-school has a kit car with an Autobot decal... and yes, I just had to transform it. Took a fair whack of time working on it incrementally when I could afford it. A good learning experience....I really need the practice at hard surface rendering.(my excuse for being a nerd)

Edit: Made some adjustments...not real happy with the results, but I'll let it go.


Stan said...

great Bot, but love the ground texture & atmosphere1

Lionel Cornelius Jr said...

agreed, atmosphere is nice! nice composition too.

Chad Weatherford said...

Stan, Lionel, thanks.

The atmosphere was the easy part.

Appreciate the comments.

Wayne Parker said...

Haven't checked your blog in a minute. Super awesome work on the autobot. Artist are always their worst critiques, but this image does in fact rock :)